+ Umrao Hospitals

Press Release

Umrao Hospitals cures Swine Flu ,H1N1 Patient with ECMO

31 Years Male Mr.Abhishek Agrawal, admitted in Umrao Hospital on 24th Feb 2014 with chief complaints of Fever, Cough & Dypsnoea. X ray chest showing B/L infiltrates with consolidation signs s/o early ARDS.Initially patient was kept on oxygen by mask which in course of time with worsening of lung condition changed to NIV Bi-Pap support. ARDS worsened with rise in sepsis, patient developed respiratory distress. Patient was Intubated & put on ventilator. With the suspicion of H1N1- swine flu, patient was started on T. Tamiflu from admission. Condition of the patient worsened with development of sepsis. Ionotropic supports for maintenance of BP, Ventilator for respiratory support as well as antibiotics.

Expert opinion from Dr. Prabhudesai suggested the option of ECMO. With deteriorating patient's condition relatives also accepted the option. With Dr.Venkat Goyal & his team's expert opinion ECMO was started on 28th Feb 2014.

Broncho scope & throat swab confirmed the diagnosis of H1N1.

Unfortunately patient had developed pseudo aneurysm in the groin- Rt. Femoral region which required surgical bedside exploration.

Eventually with all supportive treatment, proper management with timely intervention & early decisions patient improved gradually as evidenced by radiological studies, arterial blood gases & clinically.

Patient was supported on ECMO for almost 9 days. Patient stabilized with all the efforts & management. Currently patient is off ventilatory support, in deluxe room, out of ICU --weaning mode, conscious , responding, stable hemodynamically.Surely he will get recover completely in 1 or 2 days, he will require good nursing care & aggressive physiotherapy as well as good counseling with Physical & Mental support.

It was a miraculous effort of all the experts-doctors, nursing staff & support staff.

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